Friday, January 27, 2012

Come fly with me

Buenos días Lima! I arrived in Peru early this morning after a really long but nice flight. I did expect to find it a bit boring.  However, after 13 hours and crossing 5 different time zones, I don't seem to be suffering from the dreaded jet-lag (yet anyway!).

In fact, the only thing that bothered me was not having a window seat. That meant that I couldn't see the Amazon river on our way in to land or the rain forest or the Andes or anything at all actually because my view was completely blocked by the queue for the toilets! (making a mental note to choose my seat carefully next time).

The Baileys were very kindly at the airport to meet me which is just as well since the noise and commotion when you arrive at Jorge Chavez International Airport is a bit overwhelming! Clive and Ruth Bailey are Scottish missionaries here in Lima and Clive is the headmaster of the school in which I'll be working.  They drove me to where I am to spent the next 2 weeks, with a family called the Arevalos. On the way from the airport the exotic sights like palm trees and cactus and the like reminded me I wasn't in Scotland anymore and the reality of what I'm doing began to sink in.

One of the first things I noticed about Lima was how busy and chaotic it is.  You really have to be here to believe the crazy driving and mad traffic - more on that another time.

I'm now sitting in my home from home with a good old cuppa and enjoying the peace and quiet of the garden. The flowers here are bright and so beautiful and there's a tiny hummingbird (the first I've ever seen) who is flitting backwards and forwards expertly evading my camera. So far so good.  I'm still getting used to the idea that this huge and unfamiliar city will be home for the next 6 months.

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