Monday, January 30, 2012

New beginnings

I've spent all day at the school with Megan today. Clive Bailey, the headmaster, took me on the grand tour. The school is in the very centre of Lima so the noise and traffic around it is a bit deafening. I will have to get used to it! Its also a bit like a maze and I can already see myself running around like a headless chicken looking for the English department or the emergency exits during a fire or earthquake drill! I've not had a chance to meet any staff yet since the school doesn't actually start till March.

I'll be helping (or perhaps hindering) Megan at the admissions desk for the next two weeks to get me out of the house and hearing Spanish I guess...

I was going to tell you about church here...the Baileys go to a little church in an area called Surco as do Megan and MC Martin from Lewis and her husband Erick! Its a prespyterian church and the service was all in Spanish but I think I followed it...well most of it anyway. The congregation is about 50 people and they're really nice and friendly. I think I'll be staying there! Afterwards we all went along to the Bailey's for a wonderful Sunday roast - Scottish style with mash and veg and gravy ahh! I also got to see and cuddle MC's new baby Ruth Miriam. She is so tiny and so gorgeous!

In other news, the Arevalos came home tonight having been away since before I arrived, in Kawai - a beach somewhere near Lima (I think). Charmian and Dennis Arevalo have two little girls Emily (7) and Francesca (Franchie 3) and a boy Elliot (9). They are a lovely family and very welcoming. The kids are great fun and everyone speaks English (yeeeh).

I'm off to bed now, a bit exhausted, must be all the Spanish I'm speaking (not!).

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sun, sea and shopping

As I mentioned yesterday, we headed to Miraflores yesterday afternoon.  This is one of the fanciest areas of Lima that makes you feel that you're not in a third world country. There are loads of shops, restaurants and cafes targeted at probably the wealthier classes of Lima.

Miraflores is on the coast with a lovely little beach and perched high on the cliffs above the Pacific ocean...the only problem was that we couldn't actually see the ocean, at all! Sadly there was too much fog but we did have a giggle at the man standing there announcing "Señoritas, come and have your picture taken at the ocean side" um...excuse me señor but what ocean?! 

I bought some sandals in a shop in Miraflores and we both got some quaint Anne of Green Gables straw hats. I'm not sure that we'll be starting the next big fashion trend but at least it'll stop us getting burnt (that's the theory anyway).  I'm off to church now and I'm sure a sermon in Spanish will be a bit of an ordeal yet I'm strangely excited.  I'll report back on how I found it soon.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

First Impressions

I spent my first night in Peru last night! The heat is pretty constant and quite a pain at night. I unpacked my suitcase last night to find some additions to my own luggage: a man's wash bag, size 10 grandpa slippers and a case full of English documentary DVDs to be precise. Oh dear, someone somewhere was missing their home comforts last night! Not sure what to do with them so they're sitting on my shelf while ponder this problem.

I forgot to mention last night that there's another Scottish girl here called Megan. She's been here since September and is working at the school where I'll be volunteering too. She heads to Moyobamba in the jungle in 2 weeks time. Its been a wonderful surprise and a great blessing to have someone to share my first few days here with and she's been a great guide and translator.  I'm afraid she's really had her work cut out.

Myself and Megan went to the market down the road yesterday afternoon and I got to try out my Spanish - it's wasn't up to much and, frustrated, I realised I have a lot to learn.   I can't really understand what people are saying and the accent is different to what I'm used to. I think my pocket Spanish phrasebook was my best ever buy!

Anyway, back to the markets...there were people selling all sorts there but what caught my eye was the skinned chickens hanging in a few shops; no chilled meat counters here and flies everywhere (eek better stock up on the gavascon!)

I'm heading out to go up town now to get my first glimpse of the Pacific ocean - very exciting!

Magdalena del Mar
The Arevalo's house

Friday, January 27, 2012

Come fly with me

Buenos días Lima! I arrived in Peru early this morning after a really long but nice flight. I did expect to find it a bit boring.  However, after 13 hours and crossing 5 different time zones, I don't seem to be suffering from the dreaded jet-lag (yet anyway!).

In fact, the only thing that bothered me was not having a window seat. That meant that I couldn't see the Amazon river on our way in to land or the rain forest or the Andes or anything at all actually because my view was completely blocked by the queue for the toilets! (making a mental note to choose my seat carefully next time).

The Baileys were very kindly at the airport to meet me which is just as well since the noise and commotion when you arrive at Jorge Chavez International Airport is a bit overwhelming! Clive and Ruth Bailey are Scottish missionaries here in Lima and Clive is the headmaster of the school in which I'll be working.  They drove me to where I am to spent the next 2 weeks, with a family called the Arevalos. On the way from the airport the exotic sights like palm trees and cactus and the like reminded me I wasn't in Scotland anymore and the reality of what I'm doing began to sink in.

One of the first things I noticed about Lima was how busy and chaotic it is.  You really have to be here to believe the crazy driving and mad traffic - more on that another time.

I'm now sitting in my home from home with a good old cuppa and enjoying the peace and quiet of the garden. The flowers here are bright and so beautiful and there's a tiny hummingbird (the first I've ever seen) who is flitting backwards and forwards expertly evading my camera. So far so good.  I'm still getting used to the idea that this huge and unfamiliar city will be home for the next 6 months.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From Scotland to Peru

Well here goes, I've decided to write a blog about life in Latin America.  I leave for the sunny skies of Peru tomorrow morning. So here I am, the night before I leave Scotland, surrounded by piles of clothes and various other paraphernalia that should be in my suitcase but doesn't fit. Typical!! I hate packing! In 48 hours I'll be 6000 miles away on the other side of the world having hopefully left the Scottish winter behind me and managed to somehow pack all the necessities. I have to admit this is a bit of a terrifying thought!

Monday, January 23, 2012


I have to admit that I never saw myself writing a blog.  I'm not a writer and the thought never even crossed my mind till someone said I should jot down my thoughts and the memories I experience during my time in Peru.  The more I thought about it the more it made sense. Try as I might, I'll never remember all the little details that will have made this time special.  Memories not shared are often forgotten and then lost forever.  

Another reason for writing this blog: Letters from Lima is because I really wanted to send postcards and letters to all my friends and family who are supporting me and keeping me in their prayers during my time away.  However, the price of sending a letter from Peru to Europe is astronomical.  I've had to console myself with writing this blog instead.  

So this is for those who are thinking of me; you are all in my thoughts too.  I'd like to share my experiences, my highs and lows, my memories and my thoughts on life here with you.